Gayclubs, WIIIEY!
Saturday: Me and Charoula went to a gaybar (you know me, love gaypeople, so I made her to go with me), we met many lovely people. Charoula just talked with her mother in the phone, and when she told her she said "Sara was pissed of, because every guy in the gayclub was soooo good looking!". And yes, very very very very true. I hate gay people now.. Haha, no I don't, but the guys are to good to be true! xD I danced with the sexiest guy there. He acted like he wanted me, but 2 seconds later he was kissing a guy. Haha!
Anyway, we came home 9 am the next morning, packed our bags and went to the beach. We slept in the sun all day, so we are almost black now. I'm the most stupied blond girl on the planet, I fell asleep with my sunglasses on... So.. Makeup is my love right now.
When we came home, 3 pm, did Dany call. He and his uncle came by with a big cool MC. Dany and Charoula took the pig (four-wheeler) and I jumped on the MC. And of we went! I can tell you that I now love MC's! Ouhf, I had a big smile in my face the rest of the day. We sat outside in the shadow and talked to 9 pm. Bad things started to happend and I got so scared so I started to cry. Charoula told me today that she never ever have seen me cry that much. Well, the things that happend was terrible.. I'm so glad that I and Dany did what we did. Me, Charoula and Dany took the four-wheeler and went home. We stayed home for a while and then we went out again, just to talk. We sat outside to 2 am.
Today our friend is coming by. And I hope that we are going to see Harry Potter 1 tonight.
Todays adventure!
I had myself a little adventure today actually. It was the first time I took the bus alone, and ofcourse I took the wrong bus. So I went ahead whit my emotions and 15 minutes later I was at the beach! Wow and some applauses to me, thank you. At 7 pm I went home again as a brownie.
Now I'm cleaning the house, Charoula is sleeping. She and Stella is going to get Dimitris from the ariport 1 am. I hope Charoula is going to call Dany so I'll have some company.
Btw, I'm obsessed with these two songs:
Michael Jackson - They don't care about us
Pussycat dolls - Jai ho!
Filakia babies! ;)
The last 3 days.
I'm now going to tell you about these days.
That stupied cockroach never went home. The night after my flipp, he came back. Uhh.. But, I wasn't very scared this time, cause Danny was suppose to come here. But he didn't! So, once again, I flipped. Totaly. And do you know what happend? The cockroach attaced me!! He was sitting at the livingroomtable and just when I was going to throw 2 towels at him, he jumped up and starting to fly against me. He almost sat on my hand. And god, if someone had film me in those seconds, I would win 1 miljon in AFV. I screamd like an 8 year old girl, laughed, got paniced and ran as fast as I could into the bedroom and slamed the door, a little bit to hard. Euuuuw I say. Well, now he's gone! Forever I hope...
When Charoula came home, after 3 nights away, she wasn't happy at all. Of course not, I wont tell you why. I held her in my arms through the hole night, my little baby. The morning after she was all happyface again and we went to the beach. So, now we are broooown!
Yesturday (night?) we went to a club, Gold club. You can tell by the name that it's a faaaaaancy club! I wasn't that fancy though.. Not on the dancefloor (barcounter to (a)). Charoula and I made some new friends to! The bartender (yes, I have a thing for bartenders xD) and two girls that we hated from the start. But they showed out to be really nice! They invited us to the VIPsofa this friday (tomorrow!).! ;)
Now, I hope, we are going to Stella and Danny.
Hihi.. :$
Me so happy! :'D Okey, we're out like.. every night. But! Tonight it's ladys night! One free drink! (And I'm suuure it wont be the only free drink!)
We are going to dance like craaaaaazy, like allways of course. :)
The time is 11:20 pm, and i'm so hype.
Freddi loves party.
...who am I kidding, I don't care.
(20 minutes later)
Okey, I have now calmed d
(12 hours later)
Hehu.. Okey, maybe I am a little bit afraid. It was at least 3 cm big, and that damn thing all suddently started to fly around in the livingroom!! I was screaming like a 9 year old little girl, all alone in the apartment. I wonder what Charoulas grandmother was thinking (she lives next door).. I was sleeping with my door closed this night.
The worst thing that is going through my mind right now is that maybe the cockroach aint gone (I could'nt find it when I decided to go in to the livingroom), maybe it's going to get his mamy, that probebly is as big as our flatscreen! She will kick my ass just because I through a towel on her little babyboy last night..
I'm to young to die! I'm thinking about calling Charoula and tell her to send Danny to me. Or someone else. JUST SOMEONE, HELP ME!! ._.
I'm starting to get hungry..
"Trust me homie, I'm not playing.."
Nothing more to say!
The outfit for last night. My pink dress, pearls and a real D&G watch. ;)
Party tonight? Yes please!
The phone has been ringing all night now. I called Charoula and she told me it's Vasilis and his friends who wanna take me out tonight. Charoula are staying at a hotel tonight. So I'm in a hurry right now! We are going to the rockbar, and I look like barbie in my babypink dress and highheald shoes!
"I don't need another map of your head"
Hey, did I tell you that all drinks we had last night was for free? Well, Charoula knows the owner, and he really likes her. I think this is the 4th or 5th time we're out and don't have to pay for anything. You know, two hot girls, from sweden = gods masterpieces.
I was just thinking about what I need to save money to when I'm back in swe. I made a little list:
* A systemcamera. Nikon D50 please!
* New glasses. Those I've got now is from 5th grade...
* One Muse consert ticet! Farzan is tooooo kind, he is paying for my ticet for now. I'll pay him back as soon I got money.
All this things will probably cost 6000-8000kr together.
And ofcourse, I have to save money to the next summer, my The ark summer. Me and Sara is going to stalk them through swe. I WONT miss any consert with them!!
All for this time.
At first, I was reeaaally scared. But when we stayed at the place all night I was really happy.
One "problem" though, when I was sitting in the bar everyone starred at me. I don't care about that anymore, but when I moved on to the dancefloor every guy in the place just couldnt get their hands away from me! I swear, if i moved away from one guy after telling him "NO!", it didnt took long time before next one was all over me. So, after 2-4 hours war, I gave up. A really nice gut from Slovania came to me and we danced for a long time. And he was crazy!! Haha, we swoshed around like there was nobody else there.
At the end of the night I had 2 numbers. Not from the nice slovanian though. When the club was empty and Charoula was talking to the bartender I heard someone whisper "Do you think she is from Sweden?" (he asked in greek of course), so I turned around and saw this two guys that was sitting next to me and smiled. They wanted me to sit at their table, so I did. They asked me "How old are you?" and I answerd the same thing like allways "What do you think?". They looked at me and said:
Guy 1: "Well, 22?"
Guy 2: "Noo.. I think she is 23.. Maybe 24."
Me: "Haha, no no no.."
Guy 2: "No? Well.. 26 then?"
Me: "HAH! Nooo!"
Guy 1: "You have to be older than 19 anyway... Come on, tell us!"
Me: "Okej, I'm 17! :)"
Guy 1 and 2: "WHOOOOAAAAAT?! O.O"
I love when people say I look like a 20 year old. I just hope I wont look like 35 when I'm 25...!
Now I'm going to take a shower. :)
Beach 09
Today we're going to the beach! It's not very sunny outside, but it's still very hot.. Danny gets his MC today, so maybe he is coming to the beach..? Would be fun. :) Then he can give me ride home, while Charoula is taking the bus. (6)
Hope you having a good time in swe!
Mwah, it's TO hot!!
Today me and Charoula went to a cafe. She had 2 phrape's and I had a coke. We sat there for a long long while and just talked. After that we went to a supermarket and bought some food, but when we were going to pay, we didnt have enough money. xD That was kind of embarrasing.. Well well.. We got our fruitcocktail anyway!!
Oh, by the way.. Sad news. We saved a puppy last week. She died yesturday at the vet.. :( Stelli was her name.
This is Stelli, I just love her eyes.
Stelli felt asleep when I was cleaning her. My beautiful baby!
I'm kind of tierd myself actually.. So, GOODNIGHT! :)
* 1 dress (50kr, but she gave me it for 30kr)
* 1 tunic (80kr, but she gave me it for 40kr)
* 1 shirt (50kr)
* 1 tracksuit (180kr, but she gave me it for 100kr)
* 1 pair of shoes (170kr, but she gave me them for 130kr)
* 1 purse (50kr)
* 2 nailpolish (10kr for each)
Hohohoooo, Freddi is happy!!
Now I'm going to Dannys place!!
My new shoes!
My new minipurse. :)
The new tracksuit.
New tunic.
Yes, of course it is white and pink.. (a)
Boring day :(
Nothing more to say. Bye, I hope you have a lovely time in Swe (somebody told me it's rainging there ;)).
Freddi, in the sunlight!
Aah, lovely greece. My life here is perfect. Okey, not right now, because Charoula is working all days from 9am - 10pm. Tonight she's staying at a hotel somewhere in greece so she can work there tomorrow to. So, today i've done nothing. Dimitris took me and Ritza out for dinner around 10pm. I ate souvlaki, chicken. So good! Tomorrow i'll be all alone in the apartment. I'm thinking about go out shoping.
Anyway, we've been partying some nights this week. We have to take care of Ritza every day so we can't be out to much. She wont let us do anything whitout her, and she is 10 years old.. Well, she and Dimitris is going to sweden the 15th july, and then it's just going to be me and Charoula that will be living here! :)
Right now the time is 1:15am and i'm not tierd at all. So i'm just going to sit here for a little more while, then i'm going to bed. :)